Hello and Welcome to My Personal website.
My Name is David Stewart Gillies. I was born in Glasgow in 1964.
The name I use on the internet is dsg257 and have done since 2001. This is made up of my Initials and the No. of the Royal Arch chapter where I first held the chair of First Principal.
Happily Married to Marie, We have been married since 1996. We both have Children, together we have 4 girls and 2 boys. They are all Grown up and left home (yahoo !)
We have 6 Grandchildren (More about them Later)
Always had a wide variety of interests and jack of all trades I enjoy a challenge and enjoy learning new things.
My interests include the following:
- Masonic (Very active especially in the Royal Arch Take an active part in the various rituals )
- Have a keen interest in Lectures and masonic history, I attend Lodges of Research and being a proud member of a number of masonic research websites and have a good collection of lectures from various sources
- Photography ( have a Canon d1100 with 2 lenses and have far too many pics of the Grandkids )
- Photo Editing (First done this to fix my wedding pictures a Professional Photographer took which were crap)
- Web design (Interest developed over Time. First attempt in 2003 but never really got anywhere used Frontpage which was good at the time )
- Computing ( first computer mag in 1983 )
- first computer Elonex 8086 in 1994, only bought 1 pre made computer. Owned a computer shop in 2000
- Build all my own computers and will continue to do so. Prefer a computer rather than a laptop any day. Computer handles everything i throw at it no problem at all
- Love Movies :- Action Movies, Comedies, Sci-fi and martial Arts
- Large collection of Bowie albums and singles + other stuff
- Driving only started in 2002 but love it and hate small cars
- Very keen DIY’er and do a lot things around the house, Do all the decoration and DIY for the family but it is getting harder as i get older and stiffer