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Guestbook — 10 Comments

  1. My son is doing a school project about his heritage, so it was nice to find information that was not trying to charge for it. Thanks for sharing your info!

  2. I just started my search of where the Gillies name came from and was wondering how many Gillies’s there is in Scotland these days.
    If you have info on this, it would great to know.
    I have lived in Alaska for the past 30 years and the pictures of Scotland show a very old land. Alaska does not look as old.

  3. My daughter found your web site and forwarded it to me. I do some minimal genealogy research but have not yet made a connection that might trace back to Scotland. My daughter was trying to tell me that based on her reading on your story that perhaps I was really Norwegian.
    I have traced back to two of my great great grandfathers who served in the Union Army during the America Civil war.. One was Thomas C. gillis. I firmly believe he was probably of Scotish decent.
    I thoroughly enjoyed your treatise on the Gillis clan (family).

  4. Hello,
    Thank you for your website. I am Canadian and my Gillies heritage is from Easdale. Patrick Gillies is my great uncle, my father is a pharmacist that has served many years in the hospital system caring for the dying and very I’ll. His cousins are all physicians, and he has no brothers. They are based in Vancouver, Briish Columbia, our great grandfather, Thomas, was Patrick’s youngest brother. I am a nurse in training, I guess it’s in my blood. There are many magical stories about our family’s history. Thank you for yours ✨⭐️

    • Hi Heather My Grand mother had a couple of brothers/sisters who emigrated to Canada before she was born but she came from a family of 10

  5. Hi my name is Michelle gillies I live in Bangor north Wales United Kingdom my mother was born in Greenock Scotland her full name is Hannah Mary McLennan gillies 1949 we would love to find out if we have family her dad was named Samson gillies from Glasgow he would of been a 100 this January 25th just gone sadly missed he had two sisters called Mary and Hannah we would love for somebody out there to pass any information many thanks ?

    • Hi Michelle
      My Grandmother came from a big Family but they all lived in Glasgow with 1 emigrating to Canada before she was born but my Aunt found 1 of our ancesters got marriedin Paisley Abbey which is close to Greenock

  6. Hi My Grandfather was Donald Gillies who married Elizabeth Key. I have been trying to find out about their clan and to come across your site was
    a blessing. Many thanks for all of your input

  7. Hi my grandmother was a Gillis from Monaghan Ireland. It was always said that a David and James gillis came from Scotland as planters to Monaghan. Unfortunately I cannot find any evidence in Scotland as there are numerous Gillis with those first names. So the earliest Gillis with evidence is David Gillis who lived in Monaghan and was born around 1786 in either Scotland or Ireland.
    However from here I have over 100 Gillis/Gilles “family” mostly now in the US and Canada.
    My website does have my personal tree (among others)Click on John Despard Tree.
    Kind regards