D-Day Remembered
Today was the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day landings in France. Most of us have never seen war or how it affects those who were there. We all watch the movies of the heroic events from all over Europe and the true stories that make good viewing. We sympathise with the people in the movies and on the edge of our seats at the Gunfights, putting to the back of our minds that these are based on Facts and actual accounts given by those who were there.
In the Film the longest day it gives the names of some of the Heroes and the actor who played them As D-Day was a multiple assault on Europe and had to be won they Attacked them with almost everything we had The movie portrays only a small part of the actual Day and the various beaches and the troops dropped behind the lines along with the resistance they all had their part to play to help establish the downfall of the Nazi oppressors.
I was a member of the Territorial Army, 105 battery of the 102 Regiment of the Royal Artillery for a few years and got my training in Woolwich in London, i thankfully have never seen a battle and the only time i fired a gun was in training. I am Proud of all the men and woman who fought so bravely between 1939 and 1945 and not just this day which is probable the most important day in the war.
Each and every one of our servicemen and Women deserve our Respect, gratitude and thanks for what they have given to us, we will never know exactly what that is as we all take what we have or get for granted.
So next time you see a ex-serviceman collection for Erskine Hospital, Help for heroes, Mark Wright foundation just remeber you have the money to spend because of them SO give them Some
First Operation
On Monday 23rd November 2015 I got my very first operation at the age of 50 years old Which I think was good going. the operation was performed at a day clinic in Gartnaval Hospital. I was a bit apprehensive of the operation.
Although it was day surgery it is still considered a major operation on my Shoulder it was called Subacromial Decompression, this was done under general anastetic. As i dont like needles it was a bit stressful but the staff were great. i had three different members of the staff come and ask me questions and fill in paper work to make sure i am the correct person and confirm what is getting done this sort of reasured me because of all the safty checks they did before going to surgery. i was taken down second being moved from last because i am diabetic. When i was taken down i was reasured by the staff and they even held my hand when i got the shunt put in my hand they then put in the stuff to make me sleep which is the last i remember till i woke up and was taken back to the ward i had no pain in my shoulder due to the injection to freeze the whole area this would last till the middle of the night. i could no move or feel anything in my whole arm which was good. i arranged my wife to collect me so a member of staff took me down to the enterance to meet my wife with the taxi.
My first operation went well and the staff were great so i have been left with a positive impression of hospitals from my first stay but all other impressions i have had previously was due to my wifes illness and treatment
The staff were great and i thank them for making my stay a good 1
Ben Lomond charity walk
On Sunday 26th April I completed my charity walk accompanied by My son John Gillies and John Angell from St John Chapter and Ronnie Love from Maryhill Chapter having these people along on the day made it a lot easier, but it was still physically challenging due to health problems
I would Like to thank everyone for the donation they made Thanks to everyone we have raised the sum of
and I have also had a donation of £100 from the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Glasgow. Making a grand total of
St Vincent Plantation
At the committee meeting in August various thing transpired the most important is:
I have agreed to do another year as Most Excellent Zerubbabel of St Vincent Plantation No 259 my adopted Chapter I will enjoy it and hopefully learn a little more about Myself and the Royal Arch
sold my car !?!!?
today 2/4/14 i sold me KIA sportage price was not brilliant but cant grumble too much do to some damage to the car inside and out
i have also placed the order for my new car which hopefully should be here in 2 weeks a citroen Grand C4 Picasso Executive + for the prive it has everything except a teas maid
Looking at quite a few cars of similar size this one came out the best for features, comfort and mpg
from the reviews and specifications of the car it look like a great choice
will post my actual thought when i get it and let everyone know my opinion
New Year
I wish All my Family a Happy New Year and hope that this year brings happiness to them all , I am looking forward to this year and plan to stop smoking as soon as possible and stop trying to stop but actually stop, I plan to get out with my wife more often and enjoy ourselves and hopefully this year will start to get my health in check and do some exercise and get rid of the gut I have built up
well Christmas day has come and gone for another year
Went to my Daughters house for Christmas Dinner and to see grand kids the dinner was great and we all enjoyed ourselves took lots of pictures. The kids were spoilt rotten by everyone and the girls got their Tablets (DMG) which they were best pleased with
Got Marie a Gold necklace which was hard to find at a good price everything seems to be silver gold plated or gold solid look chain which is hollow and not worth the money but 9 crt gold has gone up in price quite a bit recently so what you could get for £150 a year ago would cost you £300 this year
I am getting my own present (so I get what I want ) a Raspberry pi B I plan to do a lot of things with this and will post my trials here and any code I write to do something once I learn how to code the pi
car insurance
That time of year my car insurance is due for renewal and boy what a pain in the ass that is tried all the usual “Compare the market”, “Quidco” , “Confused.com” funny thing they all gave similar results with 1 slight difference the same company gave 3 different prices for the exact same details compare the market even emailed me 4 quotes with the same company giving 4 different prices . the renewal with the company I use at present is almost up £100 on last year even with 8 years no claim bonuses they brought it down after a phone call by £11
Well I know I am changing but to who is the question ??
See comment for update
What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us;
what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.
Albert Pike