Contact form 7 is really easy to use, just create a page and inset the code created in the settings
[]contact-form-7 id="1450" title="basic" this is the basic code to show the form on a page
the settings page is where all the configuration goes you can create multiple forms with lots of different input fields
I have given some of the settings I use but the Plug-in website has very detailed information on the plug-in and I Recommend you READ IT
the fields and code for the Basic form is shown here
Your Name (required) [text* your-name default:user_display_name akismet:author ]
// the code after * gets the name of the user if he is logged in

Your Email (required) [email* your-email default:user_email akismet:author_email ]
// verifies the email address and checks it against spamming email addresses automatically puts  your email address into the form

Subject [text your-subject]  // your subject

Your Message [textarea textarea-22 watermark "type your message here etc"]
// can put a custom message for the preson to read before overwriting it with their message 

[recaptcha recaptcha-103]
// captcha human check

[submit "Send"]   // send message
This form can take the following input fields:- Text field, Email, URL, Telephone number, Number (spinbox), Number (slider), Date, Text area, Drop-down menu, Checkboxes, Radio buttons, acceptance, Quiz, CAPTCHA, reCAPTCHA, File upload, Submit button

 [your-name] < [your-email]> // notice  the fields they are the same as form [response]

// notice  the fields they are the same as form [response]

 [your-name] < [your-email]> // notice  the fields they are the same as form [response]

// notice  the fields they are the same as form [response]
The final Form looks like the 1 below
This is the form used on this site

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message
