Maryhill RAC No296
On Tuesday 20th May I visted Maryhill Royal Arch Chapter No 296. The first Principal was absent due to an Oral exam in Spanish the chapter was opened by past principal Andy Brodrick, after the usual business there was a report on the visit to Prague for the formation of the new Maryhill Prague chapter No 895. It seems to have went very well with a number of companions travelling from scotland . They have a number of brethern waiting to join and will be the only place in the Czech republic to get the mark , excellent masters and Royal Arch Degree under the Scottish Constitution, the nearest place to get the Mark Degree is Germany. They then had an exemplification of the Excellent Masters Degree were i made a comment on the degree work and how good it was put together at the last minute After the meeting we had a good harmony where M.E.C Erik Glencross Showed Photos of the visit to Prague and i did not win any raffles in the Swindle
Great night