Stirling Rock No 2
On Saturday 14th May i attended Stirling Rock No 2 Royal Arch Chapter this is an extra meeting for stirling Rock they hold this meeting once a year and put 8 English Masons through the chapter. They First Affiliate 2 members into the chapter they then made 2 visitors Honorary Members M.E.C Ben Adams and another person I did not know the chapter was adjourned and opened a Mark Lodge conferred the Mark Degree on 6 Brethren and affiliated 2 more they then closed the mark and opened the Excellent Masters Degree and Put 8 through the Excellent Masters Degree and closed the lodge , resumed the Royal Arch and conferred the Holy Royal Arch Degree on 6 Candidates the y was given Stirling Rocks usual Charge at the end on the degree and before closing I was asked to comment on behalf of the visitors. I thanked them for their welcome into the chapter and commented on the various degrees congratulating all who took part and welcomed the new members from England